
Snow Fabulous!

We all knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when...It started in the wee hours of Thursday morning and did not let up until early Friday morning. I was lucky to have Thursday afternoon off to play in the snow, but Austin wasn't so lucky so I knew it was my responsibility to report back to Austin at work. I raced home and got all bundled up and took our fur child, Belle, out to play in the snow and of course I sent pics/video to Austin so he didn't miss out on any of the fun! She loved it!

Belle running through the snow

When I was driving home, every house had a snowman in the front yard. I haven't made a snowman since it snowed in Austin in 1985 so I was a little rusty. It wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. Luckily, our neighbors are from Minnesota, which makes them pros at building snowmen and forts and were able to help me lift the body and ginormous head onto my snowman/woman...I told them I thought it was out of porportion, but we all went with it anyway. My 70 year old neighbor had so much fun helping me, she decided to start building a fort in my yard too!

I added cherry tomatoes for the eyes, a jalapeno for the nose and a cucumber for the mouth. In sheer excitment of our trip to Mexio in a couple of weeks and lack of wardrobe choices, I dressed our snowlady in a bikini top and floppy hat, complete with a lei. I added almonds for a belly button, which Belle found when she first saw my snowlady.

Suffice to say, it was a once in a life time experience and record breaking in Dallas. 12.5 inches!

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get over how much snow you guys got!!! It has been such a mild winter here in Boston... looks like we took the warm weather with us :)
