We drove to Austin late on Friday night and couldn't wait to go to sleep. Does this mean we are getting old???
I couldn't wait for Saturday! To Austin, it was just another day, for me it was like Christmas! I had a whole morning/afternoon planned with my mom and sister. I am a tad bit obsessed with Twilight. Now I wouldnt say I am a Twihard or whatever they are called, but I could be pretty close to that point. If I didn't have the old 9-5, I probably would have gone to the midnight showing of Eclipse on a Tuesday night and waited in line for 2-3 hours....but I need my sleep.
One of my good friends suggested I read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner before seeing Eclipse. It recently debuted in the Twilight series and gives some perspective and background story on the "Newborns". Of course, my sister and I downloaded it to the Kindles ASAP and were glad we did! In the middle of working, Junior League volunteering and a house remodel project, I was able to finish in time...
We thought we would have to get to the theatre an hour before the movie started...hahaha we were so wrong!
Mom and I did some serious shopping at the Domain and lunched at Daily Grill. It was such a relaxing time with the girls.
We had to hurry home and get ready for Trae and Cyndi's wedding! Austin and I had a wonderful time! It was lovely and very chic. LC Rocks took it to the next level and it got pretty crazy out on the dance floor!
Some how I always make it on stage, and oddly enough...I had stage fright this time until someone twisted my arm.
It was a great night and we are definitey hanging on to those rockin sun glasses!
Congrats Cyndi and Trae! We had so much fun and it was an amazing wedding!
While trying to recover on the 4th, we spent the day with our families. It was nice to be able to spend time with everyone while we were in Austin and not have a jam packed schedule.
Happy Fourth and looking forward to NO. 14!